ZC worms and Worm Gears

Product Introduction
ZC worms and worm gears
ZC worms and worm gears from Essor worm gear suppliers have high torque, high efficiency, high overload capability, and longevity characteristics. These worm gears are mainly applied to drive systems of escalators, construction hoists, spinning pumps, valves, and folding carton die cutting machines, etc.
We manufacture ZC flank with multiple starts worms and worm gears for Siemens to apply to escalators installed in high speed train station and subway station for the instant flow of passengers. We design ZC flank products for the application of spinning pumps, valves, folding carton die cutting machines and construction hoists, etc. by ourselves. In addition to ZC worms and worm gears, if you have a demand for custom worm gears, Essor can also satisfy you!